About Us
Founded in 1867 by Henry Turnock.
Our beautiful funeral home invites you to sit and be comfortable. We want you to feel at home.
We are handicap accessible with an entrance off the parking lot.
Owens-Pavlot & Rogers Funeral Service, Inc. offers a parking lot in the back for your convenience.
We offer spacious rooms for services. Our lounges offer a place for relaxation or for the children to spread out and entertain themselves.
Our arrangements office offers privacy for your family with a full-casket show room and burial vaults, urns and many other items on display for your convenience.
Below is an article about us in the Clinton Courier
The funeral director renders an important and vital service to the community and, if he serves well, in the course of years, he becomes well known and respected throughout the territory in which he operates. He wins not only the confidence but the gratitude and affection of those who place confidence in him in times of bereavement.
This was written in The Courier about the late Matthew Turnock who established the Turnock Funeral Service in 1868. After Matthew died, his son Henry M. Turnock took over the business with Emrys Owens as Turnock and Owens. As a young man, Richard E. Owens joined his father in the family business. Thomas L. Pavlot joined Richard at the business in 1970 and purchased Owens-Pavlot Funeral Service on College St. in 1988. His daughter, Delvena Pavlot Rogers, a licensed funeral director, joined him in 1997. Together they maintained the family owned and operated traditions that have provided an essential service to this community. After Tom's retirement in 2009, his daughter, Delvena took over management of the funeral home. In 2017 Owens-Pavlot & Rogers Funeral Service, Inc. combined with Strong-Burns & Sprock Funeral Home of Rome, offering personal service to the surrounding area.